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If you've ever seen Kymberley smash out a Revl Ahtletic workout or spotted her on the treadmill, it won't surprise you that she started her fitness journey competing in cross-country.

While she competed nationally up until the end of high school, she refers to herself during that time as a "lazy runner".
"I hated training. When I finished my last race, I told my mother I thought I was having an asthma attack. Turns out it was because my mental desire to win didn’t quite match my fitness level!"

Cut to five years later and she joined her first gym where she was introduced to the world of group fitness (thank you Les Mills). Although no longer competing, we're happy to say that her aversion to training has long since gone:)

What people can expect from your class

A challenge. I like motivating people to go that step further, to push themselves that little bit more. It’s awesome to see that moment when someone realises that they can sprint that little bit longer or lift that slightly heavier weight.

What inspires you

Women and men who break their own ‘glass ceiling’ – whatever that ceiling may look like for them.

Interesting fact

I played Celine Dion at home and in the car for a month straight to convince my husband we needed to go to Las Vegas to see her live. It worked.

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